Wednesday, 16 March 2011

marathon training week 3 run 3

Today I increased the distance of my weekly 'long' run.
I prepared by taking some suppliments before I went to bed last night - 300 mg of Q10, 300 mg omega3, 150 mg glucosamine, and 150 mg comb 12 tissue salts.
This morning, after a coffee, I took a teaspoon of creatine, another 300 mg of Q10, 100 mg of ginko and brahmi, and 100 mg of fat metaboliser,
I drank some powerade and some chia gel, and took some with me.
There is 500 metres to my start line, which I use to begin the warm up process. The idea was to settle into a rhythm where I could 'run all day'.

The first lap was a bit shorter - 4.7 km in 25.50, heart rate 135.
The second lap was longer - 5.3 km in 30.37, heart rate 137.
The third lap was - 5.3 km in 30.59 , heart rate 136.
The fourth lap was 5.3 km in 31.42 , heart rate 138.

The total was 21.6 km in 118 mins, with an average heart rate of 136.5, a tad short of 11 kms per hour.
I'm happy with this.

During the run I was thinking that I was running more or less at the pace that I ran at in my 20's. I wasn't really concerned about fast times then. a mid 130's heart rate is about a 60% effort for me.
I was pleased that there was only a 22 second difference between the second and third laps - this indicates a consistent pace. the 40 second difference between laps 3 and 4 is also pretty good. The higher heart rate is due to extra effort in the last 800 metres.
I had a cold shower and raised my legs and wobbled the muscles in an effort to drain the blood out of them, as a recovery strategy.
Today's run was significantly faster than the earlier runs of this week, probably down to the the suppliments I took.
I was 22 years old the last time I ran 21 kms, and that's an indication of my current commitment to running.

This week I ran 47.2 kms in 4 hrs 30 mins.

I'm happy with that!

Cheers Dears!

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