Saturday, 9 April 2011

speed writing

the idea is to get my thoughts on paper asap. you know what I mean!
today is saturday, a feel good day.
I slept in. watched tv - golf (big tick). coffee, bacon, eggs, tomatoes. started looking at facebook - I'm a bit of an addict these days. some interesting stuff on climate madness. this issue is my main intellectual pursuit at the moment, and the science says that the politicians, bankers et al are trying to rip us off. so annoying! how can I best use my time and voice re this subject?
otherwise practising bass guitar is my biggest commitment.
and of course my running is taking care of another 5 -6 hours a week. I have a garmin gps running trainer and am now into the computer age with my feedback mechanisms. I saw a point (me) on google earth, travelling at 25 kph. is this fast? I guess it's relative, must google sprinting speeds for 56 year olds .
when I started college, it took me a week to write an assignment, when I was finishing college, it took me half a day, with the benefit of speed writing. the idea is that you look at the question and answer it immediately using your gut reaction, the theory being that your gut reaction is essentially correct. as you write your answer, questions about proof come up. you then look for proof, and maybe different points of view. to use an analogy, a far fetched one, life, such as coral, grows as a reaction to the laws of motion in a liquid. this can be demonstrated by dropping dye into still and twirling water - the results look like coral. back to writing assignments - there are key words and implications in the questions that need to be addressed, and these form a scaffold for your answer.
I'm running out of steam, after writing for what seems to be 10 minutes.
had an interesting episode on the computer today - somehow my connection was turned off. I spoke to the technician who didn't think I did it i.e. someone else did it. atually I think I did it when I was trying to connect my garmin to facebook. otherwise, the alternative sounds a bit conspiratorial... don't really want to go there. but I will. I can imagine various boffins scrutinising hits of key word programs, and throwing spanners in the works of dissenting individuals.
I can wax lyrical about political motivations and purposes. today the new argument from tim flannery - commissioner of climate change, is that we don't have to think anymore - others, including him, will do it for us. this is similar to the view that the internet should be censored or even shut down. I mean let's face it, the internet, and in particular social websites such as facebook, have been instrumental in voicing opinions and directing actions that are counterproductive to the cause of the status quo. we can gleen many times the amount of info from the net than we can from other forms of communication. corelate that to the status quo's domination of traditional media, and lack of control over the net, and you can understand why they would want to shut us down.
of course, the current scare campaign that we need to do something now to avert climate disaster has been shown to be utter bullshit. look for yourself - it isn't hard to find.
that might be enough to go on with for today.
ciao bella

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