Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Hi Guys,
I have a new computer now, not much different to the last, still setting it up. boring!
The joys of retirement ! I get to train every day.
I recently discovered plyometrics and after one session, noticed an improvement in speed in the following run. so recently my training was Sunday - 25 kms run, Monday - pool swim, Tuesday - 1 hr run Wednesday - open water swim and run, Thursday - pool swim, Friday - 1 hour run, Saturday - open water swim, plyometric session, roman rings and kettlebell session, Sunday - recovery and light swim, Monday - 1 hr interval run, Tuesday - pool aerobic swim 4 x 400 medley, back, breast, and free, Wednesday - 1 hr interval and thresh-hold run, kettlebell and roman ring session, plyo session.
That takes us to now.
The plyo sessions take about 15 mins to do and 2 days to recover from! That is value for money!
Fortunately I can alternate runs and swims. 
I've started an aerobic swimming program of 62 swims, one hour every tuesday and thursday, to be finished by the end of the year. Tomorrow it's 800 breaststroke and 800 backstroke. I'm paying a coach to time me and provide stroke correction. The 5 x 800 butterfly will be interesting. I did 100 fly yesterday and had had enough. Next Tuesday I'll be swimming 200 fly in an 800 medley, and an 800 free. Thursday will be 30 mins of breast and 30 of back. Next month I will be doing 400 and 800 of 'fly, after the 400 and 800 medley.
I was given a magazine about marathon running - how to do it and what you need to know. They say that 4 - 6 months is enough time to prepare for a marathon!
Nice to see I'm on the right track, being a 3 hour run, and 2 x 1 hour interval sessions on a weekly basis. 
I've been doing a little duathalon once in a while, swimming 2kms and running fast back.
The water is 12 degrees at the moment, good for increasing pain thresh-holds.  I wear a wet suit, barefoot runners and 2 swimming caps, not a lot of skin exposed, just ankles, hands and face. I've taken to going in the water and adjusting a bit at a time, painful but bearable.  Recently my legs have felt great relief as they experience the cold water, and it's for my legs that I'm mainly doing this swim. The cold water makes the blood flow out of the legs, reducing the size of and relaxing the muscles.
The hands experience pain and take a while - 5 minutes say, to calm down. dunk them, lift them. I dive in and start swimming briskly - keep breathing, keep moving being the uppermost thoughts in mind.
After about 20 strokes the face becomes too painful to remain in the water,so it's over to backstroke. Backstroke requires quite a bit more thought than freestyle to do well but otherwise is more relaxing - breath more, lean back. 100 metres of free then back and the face is okay. By 400 metres I've warmed up.
Also around the 400 metre mark, the breathing comes online. This is the bit I like, and another reason for swimming to help my running. I've expanded my  blood vessels and lungs.
So after warming up, I can concentrate on my technique and develop a rhythm. Last time the water was calm and the bottom visible. I was breathing bilaterally and occasionally going up to 5 strokes without a breath.
The 2kms passed pretty quickly. I checked my heart rate monitor - 95 bpm, very low, not sure why, maybe because I've been in 12 degree water for 40 minutes! In a summer swim race 136 bpm is standard for me.
I think I've been at my fastest running on the beach after a swim. I tried timing myself with a heart monitor. From a heart rate of 100 it took about a kilometre to reach 140. I went from a fast jog to a run and may have come close to a fast run. I didn't slack off too much towards the end and took the heart rate to 150 without much difficulty. Unfortunately the timing part didn't work . It was fun negotiating the water coming up the beach and the clumps of sea-weed. I ran briefly on soft sand but it was a bit twisty on the ankles.
Now my heart rate is at 53 , not bad for me - yesterday it was at 49. meaning I'm relatively fit.
I love my marathon mag! it tells me to start a taper 2 weeks before my next event, the 'hills to henley', a 30km event. I'll be fine if I can avoid wearing myself out with the plyometric exercises.
That's my main news.

Friday, 1 July 2011

Bill's Amazing Little Adventures: speed writing 3

Bill's Amazing Little Adventures: speed writing 3: "Hi Guys ! I'm still writing fast because I think a neighbour is piggy-backing on my wireless broadband and this cuts out the connection. Si..."

speed writing 3

Hi Guys !
I'm still writing fast because I think a neighbour is piggy-backing on my wireless broadband and this cuts out the connection. Since last I wrote I had autoupdates turned off because these also take up bandwidth and cut the connection. Grr!!
I had some negative feedback about my last posting. Mainly that I should not express anger. Now there's an interesting idea, and one in currency with polite society. The ideal is to always be polite, for countless reasons. I agree, and try to be polite at all times up to a point!!!
Anyway, it's saturday morning, I have an hour or 2 before I'm required anywhere, so let's go for it!
It was my birthday during the week - fantastic! I had 20 or so people get in touch - gottalovethat! 57 and still in heaven! 58 I can wait! I bought a kayak roof-rack for my car - it's now much faster and easier to load the yak on and off. had a relaxing time yakking up the torrens for 2 hours.
I'm in a music run atm - have played every night since tuesday and have a gig tonight and tomorrow. I'm reading maybe 100 charts atm - gottalovethat! And meeting people (glt). I'm playing a bit with a brill tuba player - very sympatico - tuba and bass guitar go really well together and we are embellishing each others lines.
I've nearly run out of 'hot off the press' here comes the next layer of thought...
You know what is important to me - music - swimming - running - people.
I was awarded a swimming trophy on my birthday - male with most points in our club (henleybeach masters). this is the 4th year I've won this and I now have another piece of crystal with my name on it. I completed all 62 swims, including 5 x 800 butterfly. I'm not that fit at the moment, swimming losing to music and running, but I was happy to do 3000 m of I.M. a few weeks ago.
Running is coming back okay - still have fluid near toes but that seems okay. I have a bigger run due next time I get out - prob tomorrow morning. 20kms would be good - I did 2 x 12 kms during the week in prep for city to bay fun run, and was happy with my times.
So that's 4 activities dealt with, leaving 'people' to extemporise about - I could say 'pontificate' but I don't like that word. Hey I'm a scot alright! I love how the scots demolished those catholic churches and used the stones for building their houses! In Saint Andrews you can see houses with engraved stones in them 'popus upus youus! lol!
So 'people' - now that's scarey! I might be talking about you! of course we all know I am talking about various aspects of myself - my likes, dislikes, observations, needs, wants and suchlike.
I'll try to look at all sides.
Of course we like people who like us (as a general rule). I like a lot of people and if you are reading this I would probably like you too. This blog is better than facebook because I can find out how many people have read it.
On the positive side, I'm enjoying a fair amount of discourse and friendship.
On the negative side I don't like it when friends suddenly withdraw their contact and ignore me - this has happened recently. To be fair, I am a bit full on at times, if not all the time. I have inspired people in the past, and they have crashed later on, taking my bright ideas and then they discover they don't have the where-with-all to carry them through. Sometimes people compare themselves to me, or compare our life-styles, and they get jealous or upset. I would swear right now but there may be children present!!! As in the parent child and adult of transactional analysis. I said to someone recently - 'shit happens, arseholes do it, what can you do? the reply was 'love life'. Sounds good  to me.
So I guess the thing about people is that we meet, share some feelings, experiences, and begin to form bonds or understandings. I've never been so much in control of my life as now - I'm not stuck in a shitty relationship for the sake of the kids, or expedience, or because I made a marraige vow.
As a parting note - hats off to friends who have made a commitment to stick together through thick and thin, sickness, health...
My view is that people are best set up for serial monogamy. Most of the people I know have been divorced and are in another relationship. Maybe that says something about my society - essentially egalitarian australian, our biggest problem being that we have too much (not a bad problem to have if you had to have a problem).
Congratulations to those who have survived the breakdown of relationships.
For those of you still struggling with death-throws, make a new plan Sam ! You don't need to put up with crap!! Stand up for yourself ! Is that too strong? I used to like 'desiderata' - go placidly amid the noise and haste, and seek to be on good terms with everyone, without surrendering your (opinion?). I might be mixing my memories here 'avoid loud and aggressive people' 'inspite of the sham and drudgery the world is still a nice place' lol! something like that. Google it if you're interested!