Sunday, 27 February 2011

Welcome to my first blog!

Hi Guys and Gals!
Welcome to my first blog!
I recently retired from the 9 to 5 slog. Now I am in a transition stage whilst my new life works itself out.
I have some goals and some freedom to go where life takes me. I like surprises!
My main goal re fitness is to do some trail runs, culminating in the Yurrebilla Ultra Marathon.

Monday's timetable is swimming at 10.00. , ab workouts at 2.00 , and waterpolo at 7.00.
Today I swam 4 x 130 individual medley warm-up with flips, swapping freestyle and butterfly.
Then a pyramid of i.m. (butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly) - 132 metres (4 laps), 264 metres, 528 metres.
Then a warm down of 128 metres of freestyle and breaststroke.
Finally 10 minutes of egg-beater, a water-polo drill for strengthening the legs with the aim of getting further out of the water to catch the ball.
My ab workouts include mat-work, hula-hooping, kettle-bell, and medicine ball (also for polo).
Waterpolo is one hour's worth of fun - love the team work and setting up goals.

My athletic background is as a soccer player, with running, gymnastics, jazz ballet and horseriding to enhance soccer skills and abilities.

After soccer, I took up swimming. 12 years now. Swimming is a wonderful thing, and can lead to results you would otherwise only dream about. State titles in 400 and 800 butterfly in my case, and an amazing change in body and mind. Swimming adventures are way out there! 

Recently I took up running again. It's going well and I'm up to the 10 km mark. - first base. I am following a 3 run a week marathon program.
I had an arthroscopy 16 months ago to remove a slither of cartledge - leftovers from a soccer injury - an opponant injured my knee and hip with a karate kick to my leg. - I couldn't run for 2 years after that. Anyway, the legs are responding well.

I am opposed to bikes because they are so dangerous, but will get one to compete in triathalons.

I bought a kayak. great lifestyle and great cross training opportunities. brilliant for abs, lower back, pecs and lats .

So get in touch, or do whatever you do with blogs. I'm off to find out what that might be!



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