28 weeks before the event
15 kms 1hr.27mins av hr 139 max 152 av km 5.50 pb km 4.30 starting time 6.00 a.m.
It was a 'stepping up a notch' run - 5 km longer than the last.
I was looking forward to the run. I had had 2 days recovery from my previous 10 km effort, and prepared for it with some dietary considerations. Heart and liver + eggs for tea last night, and milk. coffee, supplements and pills for breakfast. Ginko, ginseng, creatine, Q10, fat metaboliser, glucosamine, iron, omega 3, and energy jell for during the run.
It was cold and dark when I set off running up Hilton Bridge. Venus, the morning star, was bright in the sky, and the city skyline looked good in the dark.
I started feeling sick - too many yucky tasting pills - ginko and ginseng are bitter. I probably didn't drink enough water or give them time to pass through the stomach. Anyway, at around the 1 km mark, I chucked up, ran on, and chucked a bit more, on grass. What a waste!
The first 5kms went past quickly, with some bursts of speed.
The 10 km mark passed quickly too.
The third 5kms was new territory. I was still running faster than when I started running a few months ago. Those first few runs were more of a shuffle, working on strengthening knees and ankles.
The legs were definitely tired by km 11. The stride was shorter and the heartrate was dropping to 130. It's common to lose form (technique) and speed as you become tired, so I dug in and concentrated on lengthening my stride.
'When the going gets tough, the tough get going, winners never quit, quitters never win.' This has been my mantra since I was 18.
I could be wrong, but I think you will make greater gains if you work to the point of fatigue, then work some more.
So my legs were losing form. I could feel a greater impact as my feet hit the ground - ankle muscles not cushioning impact as much. so I turned them on again. More speed work, heart rate up to 140 burns in core, glut max and upper legs. I was still running well, no pain to speak of. ran past a sprint section, too tired to sprint. Sped up for the last 500 metres. was happy to finish.
Slight knee soreness as I bend to take off shoes, get horizontal and the pain abates. feet and legs a bit tingly as I write.
I liked the distance, my time was reasonable. I wonder if I will maintain distance in the next two runs. I would like to maintain a 5 min per km pace for 15 kms, my next goal.
Running for that length of time might call for longer recoveries. I prob lost some muscle mass today, but muscles feel good. I don't think there was much adrenalin in today's run, and I don't think I did much damage.
That's it folks!
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